Monthly Archives: April 2013

RCPS Students in Alger Inauguration Activities

Submitted by Dr. Kelly Troxell

On March 14, 2013 several RCPS students participated in the Ceremonial Walk at James Madison University.  This event was part of JMU’s Inauguration Week honoring new President Jonathan Alger.  Coordinated by HHS Music Teacher Daniel Upton, students from the drumlines of all five area high schools were invited to participate.  Check out the story and video, courtesy of James Madison University:




MMS is a GRAND PRIZE Winner!

From Drew Miller, Principal, MMS:

Montevideo Middle School was selected as a Grand Prize winner in NBC’s “Smash” Make a Musical Constructed by Lowe’s contest. Under the leadership of Mr. John Knauf, our drama teacher, and with the help of the Montevideo community, we received more than 52,000 votes over the past few weeks and we are one of 5 Grand Prize winners nationwide!

Montevideo will be receiving a $3000 gift card to Lowe’s! We plan to refurbish the stage floor and make other improvements to our theatrical space. We’ve had many inquiries from individuals interested in making additional financial contributions to improve lighting and to meet other technical needs for our auditorium. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please send a check payable to “REFI” (Rockingham Educational Foundation Inc.) with “Montevideo Stage” in the memo line and send it to:

100 Mount Clinton Pike
Harrisonburg, VA  22802

7th grade drama

7th Grade Drama Class; Photo by John Knauf

Thanks for all you do to support MMS! Go Mustangs!